Listed Building: ANGLIAN TOWER (1257157)

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Grade I
NHLE 1257157
Date assigned 14 June 1954
Date last amended


YORK SE6052SW MUSEUM GARDENS 1112-1/27/774 Anglian Tower 14/06/54 GV I Formerly known as: The Roman Room MUSEUM GARDENS. Defensive tower. Probably C7 AD on Roman footings; excavated in 1969. Rough dressed oolitic limestone with brick vaulted roof. Rectangular on plan, approximately 4.5 metres high. Original access by means of narrow segment-arched doorways in both returns. Front and rear broken by round-arched vault of C19 tunnel, during the excavations for which the tower, subsumed within the ramparts of the medieval walls, was rediscovered in 1839. (An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in the City of York: RCHME: The Defences: HMSO: 1972-: 111). Listing NGR: SE6049052070

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Grid reference SE 6004 5213 (point)
Map sheet SE65SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 30 2021 9:27PM


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