EYO157 - Royal York Hotel, Station Road




Location Station Road
Grid reference SE 5964 5187 (point)
Map sheet SE55SE
Unitary Authority City of York, North Yorkshire



On Site Archaeology


Dec - 1998



Three evaluation trenches were dug which varied in size but were all sunk to a uniform depth of 1.75 metres. Trench 1 measured 2 x 2 metres and revealed a possible linear feature which comprised a layer of cobbles which were placed in a shallow cut. Underneath this a vertically sided cut was seen which had been truncated in the west by the construction of a modern building foundation. The feature, however, was observed to be continuing in a northerly direction beyond the limit of the excavation. Recovered from both these features were small finds which were of Roman date. Trenches 2 and 3 were reported to have been devoid of archaeolgical features with both containing a mass of debris which was modern in date down the depth limit of the excavation.

Sources/Archives (2)

  • --- Unpublished document: On-Site Archaeology. 1998. Royal York Hotel, Station Road.
  • --- Digital archive: NMR. 2019. NMR data.

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Record last edited

Jul 2 2021 2:20PM


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