EYO17 - 14 Skeldergate, Scottish Heritable
Location | 14 Skeldergate |
Grid reference | Centred SE 6018 5155 (10m by 0m) (2 map features) |
Map sheet | SE65SW |
Unitary Authority | City of York, North Yorkshire |
York Archaeological Trust
Jul - 1991
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York Archaeological Trust undertook six weeks of evaluative
excavation at 14 Skeldergate, York (NGR SE 60175157) during July
and August 1991. The work was undertaken on behalf of The
Scottish Heritable Trust and followed a specification issued by
John Oxley, York City Councils Principal Archaeologist.
Nine boreholes were observed and three trenches were excavated to
determine the nature of the surviving archaeological
stratigraphy. A series of six boreholes was located along the
edge of the site adjacent to Queen's Staith Road to establish a
profile across the site at right angles to the River Ouse. Three
other boreholes were observed as they were drilled, one close to
each of the three hand excavated trenches. The trenches each
measured 3m x 3m. Trench One was dug to 5m Above Ordnance Datum
with the intention of examining the archaeological sequence in
detail to the level to which it would be destroyed by the
proposed development. Trenches Two and Three were excavated to
establish the height to which medieval deposits were preserved.
Modern deposits appear to be confined to within lm of the
surface over much of the site, and to a maximum of 2.0m within a
restricted area. Thus anly the post-medieval depasits have been
truncated. From between the Skeldergate street frontage to a
point close to the river some 5-7m of well preserved, well
stratified, almost entirely waterlogged archaeological deposits
survive. The evaluation demonstrated that the deposits were
likely to have all the merits usually associated with those from
waterfront sites. The sampled areas in the evaluation excavation
indicated structural remains from approximately 8.l0m AOD, which
provide evidence of the preservation of medieval Skeldergate
properties and of riverside buildings. The deposits demonstrated
the potential to provide archaeological data of the highest
quality in revealing a complete sequence of activity in an area
which appears to have been utilised domestically and
industrially from Roman times onwards. Ceramic and environmental
data recovered in the evaluation exercise have likewise been
shown to be of the highest quality.
The site offers an undisturbed record of the development of
both the Skeldergate frontage and the riverside from Roman to
late medieval times. It is the likelihood of a complete sequence
of well stratified waterlogged deposits covering all periods
which make this site of such potential archaeological value,
since it has the capacity to answer a number of questions which
are of prime importance in the understanding of the development
of the city of York. These questions relate to the changing
position of the river crossing and waterfront development,
particularly in the Roman, Anglian and Anglo Scandinavian
periods. Developments in the waterfront and usage of the land in
this area of prime importance during the medieval period could
also be illuminated by excavation of this site. The evaluation has shown deposits af such clear
archaeological importance and quality that their loss either
through truncation or from wholesale removal would represent a
major diminishing of the archaeological heritage. Such is their
integrity and research value for the city that even the prospect
of intrusion by foundation with the concomitant unknown danger of
damage to the remains through variation in the water table must
be a cause for concern. Every effort should be made to ensure the
total preservation of these deposits they must merit further
extensive excavation if they are to be destroyed by development.
RCHME microfilm PRN 3656.
NMR sourecs:
Virtual Catalogue Entry to support E.I. Migration 1991/Report on an Archaeological Evaluation at 14 Skeldergate, York.
York Archaeological Trust annual report 23 /1991-92
Sources/Archives (2)
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
- MYO1 Eboracum (Roman York) (Monument)
Child/subsequent Site Events/Activities (9)
- EYO5730 14 Skeldergate, Scottish Heritable: Trench 1 (Ref: 1991.14)
- EYO5731 14 Skeldergate, Scottish Heritable: Trench 2 (Ref: 1991.14)
- EYO5732 14 Skeldergate, Scottish Heritable: Trench 3 (Ref: 1991.14)
- EYO5733 14 Skeldergate, Scottish Heritable: Borehole 4 (Ref: 1991.14)
- EYO5734 14 Skeldergate, Scottish Heritable: Borehole 5 (Ref: 1991.14)
- EYO5735 14 Skeldergate, Scottish Heritable: Borehole 6 (Ref: 1991.14)
- EYO5736 14 Skeldergate, Scottish Heritable: Borehole 7 (Ref: 1991.14)
- EYO5737 14 Skeldergate, Scottish Heritable: Borehole 8 (Ref: 1991.14)
- EYO5738 14 Skeldergate, Scottish Heritable: Borehole 9 (Ref: 1991.14)
Record last edited
Jun 9 2020 3:26PM