EYO4184 - 122 Strensall Road Huntington




Location 122 Strensall Road, Huntington
Grid reference
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Humber Field Archaeology



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PROJECT DETAILS A programme of architectural and archaeological observation, investigation and recording was undertaken prior to and during demolition of farm buildings, and the groundworks associated with the construction of six dwellings at 122 Strensall Road, Huntington, York. The farm buildings had been largely constructed in the later 19th century around a foldyard, the yard being covered in the 20th century. Other buildings showed evidence of adaptation to 20th-century farming practices, such as the addition of a small building housing a vacuum pump, to the south side of the cow shed. No archaeological features were observed that predated the construction of the farm. A small assemblage of glass and pottery was recovered from the site, these items spanning the period from the late 19th to the mid-20th century. Project status: Complete Yes, Validated Yes Previous/Future Work: Previous Not known, Future Not known Associated Identifiers: Planning Application No. 06/1020/FUL Sitecode WB2006.072 NMR No. 1459112 Project Type: Building Recording Methods and Techniques: Measured Survey, Photographic Survey, Survey/Recording Of Fabric/Structure Reason for Investigation: Planning condition Site status: Local Authority Designated Archaeological Area Current Land use: Residential 1 - General Residential PROJECT LOCATION Area 2488.00 Square metres Grid Reference: SE60275713 Point PROJECT CREATOR(S) Brief originator: Local Authority Archaeologist and/or Planning Authority/advisory body Design originator: Mr J Oxley City of York Director/Manager: Humber Field Archaeology Supervisor: D. Rawson Sponsor or funding body: Developer DIGITAL ARCHIVE Recipient: Humber Field Archaeology ID: WB2006.072 Contents: none Media: Database, Images raster / digital photography, Images vector, Text PAPER ARCHIVE Recipient: Yorkshire Museum ID: WB2006.072 Contents: none Media: Correspondence, Drawing, Photograph, Plan, Report, Section, Unpublished Text BIBLIOGRAPHY Publication Type: Grey literature (unpublished document/manuscript) Title: Archaeological Observation Investigation and Recording at 122 Strensall Road, Huntington Author(s)/Editor(s): Rawson, D. Other Bibliographic Details: Watching Brief Report Number 946 Date: 2007 Issuer/Publisher: Humber Field Archaeology Place of Issue or Publication: Hull Description: A4

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Digital archive: NMR. 2019. NMR data.

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Record last edited

Nov 7 2019 12:51PM


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