EYO491 - Platform 1, York Railway Station, York




Location York Railway Station
Grid reference SE 5959 5164 (point)
Map sheet SE55SE
Unitary Authority City of York, North Yorkshire



York Archaeological Trust



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Salvage excavation of a Roman burial discovered in a pit for a CCTV stanchion. The grave recorded probably formed part of the major Roman cemetery that occupied this area. An archaeological excavation was undertaken by York Archaeological Trust on behalf of Railtrack (NGR SE 596 526) on the afternoon of 26th January 2001. The excavation followed the discovery by workmen of a human skull in a lm x lm stanchion pit. British Transport Police, fearing the body was a recent murder victim, erected a`scene of the crime' tent over the stanchion pit and contacted the coroner. The coroner suggested that an archaeologist be consulted. It was clear that the skull was not from a modern burial as it was sealed by an undisturbed 0.42m thick build up deposit. Following further consultation with the coroner it was agreed that the burial should be excavated archaeologically, and those portions which would be damaged by development would be removed. The finds and site records are currently stored with York Archaeological Trust under the Yorkshire Museum accession code YORYM:2001.4429. NMR source: York Archaeological Trust annual report 13,62,64 29/2000-2001

Sources/Archives (2)

  • --- Unpublished document: YAT. 2001. Platform 1 York Railway Station York.
  • --- Digital archive: NMR. 2019. NMR data.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • York Railway Station Roman Cemetery (Monument)

Record last edited

Jan 11 2024 1:30PM


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