EYO6859 - 23 Piccadilly




Location 23 Piccadilly
Grid reference SE 6067 5154 (point)
Map sheet SE65SW
Unitary Authority City of York, North Yorkshire



On Site Archaeology





The assessment indicated that the site may contain features of Roman, medieval and post-medieval/early modern date. A Roman masonry structure, including two rows of columns, was observed during the construction of the current building in 1938, which includes a basement. Three boreholes in the courtyard of the building, alongside the DBA information demonstrated the site is likely to contain up to 4.80m depth of archaeological deposits. However, there is no indication that these comprise significant waterlogged deposits. The site appears to be located on the western slope of the dry spur of land within the curve of the River Foss, and not within, or immediately adjacent to the river, where the greatest degree of anaerobic preservation would be anticipated. Natural deposits were recorded in borehole 1 at a height of 5.94m AOD and cartographic sources indicate that the site was occupied up until the late 1930s by small scale domestic and commercial buildings. The brick obstruction encountered in borehole 2. The obstruction recorded in borehole 3, at a height of 7.20m AOD, represents part of the Roman building observed in 1938. Following borehole survey two trenches were opened in the basement. The trenching confirmed 19-20th century deposits to a depth of c.1.2m below the basement level. Earlier features, tentatively dated to the Roman period were identified in the base of one of the trenches.

Sources/Archives (2)

  • --- Unpublished document: On-Site Archaeology. 2019. 23 Piccadilly.
  • --- Unpublished document: On-Site Archaeology. 2020. 23 Piccadilly.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Shoemakers Maison Dieu (Monument)

Record last edited

Sep 13 2022 1:31PM


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