Location | LAND AT DEAN'S PARK |
Grid reference | SE 6022 5222 (point) |
Map sheet | SE65SW |
Unitary Authority | City of York, North Yorkshire |
York Archaeological Trust
On 1st -2nd February 2010 a watching brief was undertaken by YAT of the machine removal of soil from a flower-bed adjacent to a limestone wall which forms the western boundary of Dean's Park, York. The soil was removed prior to the planting a new rose bushes. Within the excavation area there are the remains of three walls. No dating evidence was recovered with any of the walls, so it is unclear if they are of medieval or post-medieval date. The walls appeared to be on marginally different alignments, but were all aligned broadly north-east to south-west. Without full excavation it is difficult to know if these structures represent internal or external building walls, or how they relate to one another chronologically. The alignment of these walls is strikingly different to that of York Minster, but does seem to relate to other surviving and excavated structures in the area notably the Minster Library and a portion of arcade from the 12th century Archbishop's Palace located in Dean's Park to the north-east. A post-medieval building known as Arthur Ingrams Mansion (demolished in the 19th century) is also thought to have been located in the vicinity, though possibly slightly to the south of the present investigation. The walls uncovered in the watching brief could relate to any of these structures, but further excavation would be required to clarify their date and function.
NMR source:
McComish J/2010/Plant Borders, Dean's Park, York: archaeological watching brief/Report No 10/04.
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Record last edited
Feb 18 2025 10:29AM