EYO7974 - Former Post Office, 22 Lendal




Location 22 Lendal
Grid reference Centred SE 6011 5193 (35m by 9m)
Map sheet SE65SW
Unitary Authority City of York, North Yorkshire



York Archaeological Trust





On the 20th of July 2021 and the 27th August 2021- 28th August 2021 (overnight) York Archaeological Trust conducted an archaeological watching brief at the Former Post Office, 22 Lendal. An additional watching brief was carried out between the 4th April and 8th April 2022. The work was undertaken for Egniol Consulting Ltd in response to an operations notice required by CYC due to the location within an Area of Archaeological Importance. The works involved the monitoring and recording of small core hand pits, a window sampler borehole and a cable percussion borehole. The two cores recovered from the site provided useful data in relation to indicative depths of archaeological remains and deposits. Wooden material was noted likely representing substantial wooden remains, most likely medieval in date. Further indications of possible archaeological remains are represented by the limestone rubble which at other locations proximal to the site, have been shown to represent in situ medieval structures. The site itself is located to the south of the south west entrance to the Roman fort and within the footprint of the later Augustinian Friary.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Unpublished document: York Archaeological Trust. 2022. Former Post Office, 22 Lendal.

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

  • Augustinian Friary (Monument)

Record last edited

Jan 11 2024 11:34AM


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