Building record MYO1058 - CENTRAL LIBRARY (EXPLORE)


Public and Reference Libraries. 1927, 1938 extension; some later alteration. By Brierley and Rutherford. Exterior: 2 storeys; 3-bay projecting centre block flanked by 3-bay angled wings. In centre bay, open pedimented Doric doorcase with triglyph frieze blocks has panelled doubled doors and fanlight in keyed round-arched architrave with moulded imposts: flanking bays have small 1-light windows. Ionic centrepiece on first floor has centre bay recessed behind detached columns, outer bays flanked by antae: full entablature with pulvinated frieze and plain parapet extends on each side.


Grid reference SE 6004 5208 (point)
Map sheet SE65SW
Unitary Authority City of York, North Yorkshire
Civil Parish York, City of York, North Yorkshire


Type and Period (7)

Full Description

Public and Reference Libraries. 1927, 1938 extension; some later alteration. By Brierley and Rutherford. MATERIALS: red brick in English bond, rusticated on ground floor and with rusticated brick quoins on first floor; moulded stone plinth; ashlar orders; ashlar doorcase, partly rusticated, dressings and cornice. Hipped roofs of Westmorland slate. EXTERIOR: 2 storeys; 3-bay projecting centre block flanked by 3-bay angled wings. In centre bay, open pedimented Doric doorcase with triglyph frieze blocks has panelled doubled doors and fanlight in keyed round-arched architrave with moulded imposts: flanking bays have small 1-light windows. Ionic centrepiece on first floor has centre bay recessed behind detached columns, outer bays flanked by antae: full entablature with pulvinated frieze and plain parapet extends on each side. Staircase window in centre is round-arched in eared and keyed architrave with ogee head and moulded stone sill. Outer bays contain round-arched niches with moulded stone sills over brick aprons. Ground floor windows in flanking wings are recessed beneath arcaded triple keyed round arches with moulded impost band. First floor has square-headed windows in triple keyed eared architraves with moulded stone sills and stone aprons. Windows have square lattice leading in bordered metal frames. Left return: 2 storeys and basement; 9-bay wing with projecting end bays. End bays have open pediments supported by Ionic columns on first floor. Square headed basement windows in low plinth. Except in end bays, fenestration detail is repeated from entrance front wings. End bay ground floor windows are square-headed in triple keyed and eared architraves with cornices: those on first floor are round-arched in ogee headed architraves with moulded sills and aprons. Dated rainwater goods in re-entrant angles with end bays have ornate hoppers bearing the City of York badge. INTERIOR: 3-bay entrance lobby with apsidal ends, articulated in Doric pilasters carrying enriched plaster frieze and modillion cornice. Openings are round-arched, the inner ones screened with glazed and panelled doors with fanlights. Staircase openings are square-headed in triple keyed architraves with incised panel reveals. Eared doorcases at each end have pulvinated friezes and cornices. Ceiling pierced in centre by oval light well encircled by richly moulded plaster garland. Imperial staircase to first floor has sunk-panelled stone steps and balustrade of twisted cast-iron balusters and panels of wrought-iron scrollwork. Upper part of
stairwell lined with niches. Moulded panel ceiling has enriched dentilled and modillioned cornice. First floor: stairhead openings are round-arched in ogee-headed architraves. Landing articulated in Ionic order with full entablature. Light well balustrade as for staircase. Above, domed circular lantern glazed in opaque glass is encircled by moulded garland of flowers and leaves. Both main rooms have segmental tunnel vaulted ceilings. Original furniture and fittings including shelving and seating still in use.
Listing NGR: SE6004752089

Derived from English Heritage LB download dated: 22/08/2005

NMR Information:

No further description provided.

Architectural Survey
14-NOV-1995 - 14-NOV-1995

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Record last edited

Aug 19 2019 11:10AM


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