Building record MYO1874 - MIDDLETHORPE HALL


Middlethorpe Hall - C17/18th See MYO1875 for associated outbuildings.


Grid reference SE 5984 4865 (point)
Map sheet SE54NE
Unitary Authority City of York, North Yorkshire
Civil Parish York, City of York, North Yorkshire


Type and Period (5)

Full Description

Country house, now hotel. c1700 with flanking wings of mid C18; altered extensively in early C19; altered further in C20 and restored c1980. For Thomas Barlow. MATERIALS: red brick in Flemish bond with ashlar dressings, rusticated quoins, plinth and storey bands and cornice of moulded stone: hipped slate roofs and brick stacks, some external, with stone cornices and weathering. Stone steps lead to central doors on both fronts. Both fronts have 3-bay attic centrepieces surmounted by the Barlow crest, an eagle displayed. EXTERIOR: front: 3 storeys with basement; 7 bays: set back at both sides are 1-storey wings. Basement windows are of 2 mullioned lights, some with small-pane windows, others partly blocked, in plain surrounds. Central pedimented Tuscan porch with front door of 6 raised and fielded panels and patterned fanlight in eared bolection moulded surround. Ground and first floor windows are unequal 15-pane sashes, second floor windows 12-pane sashes. Those in centre of first and second floors have eared and fasciated surrounds with moulded cornices: the others plain keyed surrounds with moulded sills. Attic centrepiece is panelled between pilasters and has moulded cornice. Rear: garden front similarly disposed as front, with 1-storey 3-bay flanking wings articulated by Composite pilasters. Two 2-light mullioned basement windows survive in centre block, others are squat 6-pane sashes, all in plain surrounds: in wings, windows are similar with segmental brick arches. Central porch has columns with palm leaf necking, frieze and cornice, double doors of raised and fielded panelling and patterned fanlight. Door surround, windows and window surrounds detailed as on entrance front. Centrepiece panels enriched with swags. Pilasters in flanking wings are raised on plain plinth band which forms the continuous sill beneath tall 18-pane sash windows in plain keyed surrounds, one in each bay. Pilasters carry entablature surmounted by brick parapet with stone balustrading over each bay. Returns are of 4 bays and partly obscured by added wings. Original windows correspond with those on main fronts. Throughout the house a number of windows are blind. INTERIOR: ground floor: entrance hall: stone flagged floor; black marble fireplace in bolection moulded surround; enriched bolection moulded doorcases with replacement friezes and
doors; fielded panel shutters; dentilled cornice to coved ceiling. Room to left: fully lined in 2 heights of panelling between panelled pilasters; white marble fireplace surround with overmantel panel flanked by pilasters; doorcase with 8-panel door: all bolection moulded. Fielded panel shutters. Stairhall: black and white chequered floor; moulded round arch to entrance hall on panelled pilasters enriched with applied floral drops and with pulvinated frieze and moulded keyed cornice above; two carved doorcases with enriched pulvinated friezes, cornices and 8-panel doors. Principal staircase rises to first floor and is supported beneath third flight by fluted Corinthian column: staircase has fluted column balusters on carved bulbous bases and heavy moulded handrail ramped up to square panelled newels: tread ends and handrail are carved with foliage sprays: stairwell lined with matching panelled dado. Room to rear right: white marble fireplace flanked by alcoves: fireplace has pilaster jambs enclosing drops suspended from lion mask frieze blocks and cornice shelf enriched with flutes and paterae; alcoves have similar cornices and fluted jambs. Doorcases carved with acanthus, with 8-panel doors: fielded panel shutters; enriched cornice. Right (west) wing: white marble fireplace with panelled pilaster jambs and frieze incorporating mouldings of musical instruments and militaria; door and window cases are simply reeded; enriched cornice and dado rail; beaded panel shutters. Delicate plaster moulded ceiling decorations. Room to rear left: fully lined with panelling, some bolection moulded, incorporating eared marble fire surround and balancing round-arched centrepieces flanked by fluted Ionic pilasters; moulded cornice and frieze are enriched with acanthus carvings; doorcases likewise carved with acanthus, one with door of 8 moulded panels, one with 5-panel door; fielded panel shutters. Left (east) wing: smaller room is fully panelled. Secondary staircase rises from basement to attics and has close string, bulbous balusters, square newels with attached half balusters and heavy moulded handrail. First floor. Principal staircase landing has four bolection moulded doorcases and enriched dentilled cornice to coved ceiling with central plaster mouldings. Remainder of interior not inspected. RCHM record rooms on first and second floors fully fitted with fireplaces, panelling, cornices, doorcases, etc. HISTORICAL NOTE: between 1713-15 Lady Mary Wortley Montagu was a resident in the house. The house is a fine example of an C18 country house, finely fitted and remarkably complete. (RCHME: City of York: London: 1972-: 118-121).
Listing NGR: SE5984948660

Derived from English Heritage LB download dated: 22/08/2005

NMR Information:

(SE 59854866) Hall (NAT) (1)

Middlethorpe Hall, built circa 1699-1701 with side wings added
to the main south front in the mid 18th century. (2)

Middlethorpe Hall (formerly listed
under Bishopthorpe Road)
SE 54 NE 3/75 16.4.54 Grade II*
Circa 1699-1701. Brick with stone dressings; 3 storyes and
semi-basement; 7 windows in moulded stone architraves; windows
to centre bay with shouldered architraves, stone aprons and
cornices. The sashes are the earliest of the type in the area.

Rusticated quoins at sides; stone bands between storyes; central
doorway in moulded stone architrave with radial fanlight,
6-panelled door and late C18 stone Tuscan column porch with
pediment; moulded eaves cornice, blocking course with entablature
extending over 3 centre bays and surmounted by the figure of an
eagle, the emblem of Thomas Barlow who built the mansion; mid-C18
and early C19 east and west wings of similar character.

The interior retains good original features including staircase
supported on a Corinthian column and with enriched fluted
balusters, decorative plasterwork, and panelling (now painted)
in the room to south-east of entrance. (RCHM Vol III Monument 163)(3)

1 Ordnance Survey Map (Scale / Date) OS 6" 1969
2 VIRTUAL CATALOGUE ENTRY TO SUPPORT NAR MIGRATION RCHM City of York 3 1972 118-121 illus photos map
3 List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest DOE(HHR) City of York, N, Yorks, June 1963, 220-221.

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Record last edited

Aug 5 2019 1:26PM


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