Building record MYO1968 - CHAPEL FARM


Listing relates to an early-mid C18 farmhouse with later additions and alterations but this is part of a larger farm complex. Research by York Civic Trust suggests that the building is also of likely historic interest in relation to the chicory industry.


Grid reference SE 6696 5252 (point)
Map sheet SE65SE
Civil Parish Dunnington, City of York, North Yorkshire


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

Listing relates to an early-mid C18 farmhouse with later additions and alterations but this is part of a larger farm complex.
Research by York Civic Trust suggests that the building is also of likely historic interest in relation to the chicory industry.

Research shows that the building is likely of historical interest in relation to the history of Dunnington and in particular the chicory industry. The Victoria County History (VCH) cites Dunnington as 'the English chicory-growing metropolis' during the mid-19th century, when 400 workers were involved in the growing and drying process and twelve chicory kilns in the village. York's Historic Environment Record (HER) marks a disused chicory kiln nearby (Monument Record MYO4426). Other chicory kilns in the village have been demolished, such as the one at Nos.11-13 Common Road, mentioned in the VCH and appearing as a photograph in York Civic Trust's 'Walk Around Dunnington'. This document directly identifies the shop building at 13 York Street as 'the site of another chicory kiln'. The VCH also notes that by 1972 'another kiln, in York Street, had been converted into a shop.' It seems likely that this is 13 York Street. The chicory kiln at No.13 York Street is currently the only nationally listed kiln of its type, further augmenting its historic interest and importance.

Chicory kilns are known to have been two storey brick buildings that use heat from a ground-floor firebox or furnace to dehydrate the chicory roots on a ventilated first floor above. The HER notes of the nearby kiln (MYO4426) that 'some of the first floor is still laid with the characteristic square perforated tiles.'

The photograph of the demolished kiln at Nos.11-13 Common Road shows first floor external doors for access to the drying floor. This is consistent with the existing first floor timber door to the side of No.13 York Street. It supports the suggestion that this building was a chicory kiln prior to its conversion as a commercial property. Furthermore, No.13's 'shop window' on York Street is peculiar in having a recessed and insubstantial timber stallriser, and the window framed by what looks to have been a carriageway / cart entrance. Such an access mechanism is evident in some of the existing and since demolished kilns in Dunnington.

A map regression exercise demonstrates that from the mid-19th century until 1970 the commercial building at No.13 York Street was not within the curtilage of Chapel Farm. The 1893 OS map shows a single plot encompassing Nos. 11 and 13 York Street and several rear outbuildings which may have served as stores for fuel or equipment associated with the use of No.13 as a chicory kiln.

It is not known whether any surviving features associated with the building's agricultural past survive.

In summary, research suggests that No.13 York Street was previously used as a chicory kiln and is a key surviving building of historical significance in Dunnington due to its association with this once thriving industry in the village. Due to the lack of specific historical information in the application, the Civic Trust contends that further inspection of the ground and first floors is warranted in order to determine what, if any, original features still exist, establish their condition and plan for their conservation or recording. (York Civic Trust email 31/03/25)

Victoria County History:
York Civic Trust 'A Walk Around Dunnington':
York Historic Environment Record:

House. Early-mid C18 with later additions and alterations. Rendered and colourwashed brick with pantile roof. Lobby-entry plan. 2 storeys, 3 first floor windows. Off-centre entrance a 6-panel door under blocked overlight in Roman Doric doorcase. 12-pane sashes throughout with stone sills. Stepped and dentilled eaves cornice. Swept roof. Ridge stack.
Listing NGR: SE6697052525

Derived from English Heritage LB download dated: 22/08/2005

Victoria County History, 1961, Victoria County History: A History of the County of York - The City of York (Monograph). SYO1655.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • --- Monograph: Victoria County History. 1961. Victoria County History: A History of the County of York - The City of York.

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

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Record last edited

Mar 31 2025 2:50PM


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