Monument record MYO3173 - Ridge and Furrow Rufforth and Knapton


Ridge and furrow of probable Medieval date in the parish of Rufforth, seen as earthworks and cropmarks on air photographs.


Grid reference Centred SE 5430 5142 (282m by 227m) (2 map features)
Map sheet SE55SW
Civil Parish Rufforth and Knapton, City of York, North Yorkshire
Unitary Authority City of York, North Yorkshire


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

NMR Information:
Ridge and furrow of probable Medieval date in the parish of Rufforth was seen as earthworks and cropmarks on air photographs. The remains are largely concentrated around the village of Rufforth itself and to the north-east of the village, with a small group in the very southern part of the parish. (1-2)
1 Vertical aerial photograph reference number NMR MAL/67045 093,107 12-JUN-1967
2 Vertical aerial photograph reference number RAF 58/5515 (F21) 0071-0072 16-OCT-1962

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  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Jul 4 2019 3:26PM


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