Building record MYO4039 - Ashtonthorpe House, 308-312 Tadcaster Road


Ashtonthorpe House is a traditional late Victorian town house. A rare local example of the work of the Arts and Crafts architect Fred Rowntree of Scarborough. Ashtonthorpe House and its neighbouring houses are fine examples of turn of the century English domestic architecture. Nominated for inclusion on the local list of heritage assets.


Grid reference Centred SE 5887 5006 (59m by 85m) (3 map features)
Map sheet SE55SE
Unitary Authority City of York, North Yorkshire


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

The traditional late Victorian townhouse built in the early 20th century is a notable rare local example of the work of the Arts and Crafts architect Fred Rowntree, the second cousin of Seebohm Rowntree. The building is of pale brick with red brick dressings and stone-mullioned windows and contains a grand staircase. The townhouse has had sympathetic extensions, as it was used as an office space in the late 20th century and later converted into flats. Along with No. 310 and 312 Tadcaster Road, the houses are fine examples of turn-of-the-century English domestic architecture. Together they mark the extension of the City of York adding character along Tadcaster Road towards the village of Dringhouses.

York Civic Trust

Sources/Archives (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

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Record last edited

Dec 11 2024 1:11PM


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