Building record MYO4138 - Old Vicarage, Copmanthorpe


Fine example of a Victorian residence, probably the best preserved old building in the village. Nominated for inclusion on the Local List of Heritage Assets.


Grid reference Centred SE 5651 4683 (21m by 31m)
Map sheet SE54NE
Unitary Authority City of York, North Yorkshire
Civil Parish Copmanthorpe, City of York, North Yorkshire


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

The Old Vicarage is a fine example of a Victorian residence and probably the best-preserved old building in the village. Built of red brick by Ecclesiastical Commissioners in 1866 when Copmanthorpe became its own parish, it demonstrates a new phase in the life of the church of St Giles. It is a typical example of Victorian architecture in a period when many vicars had private means with which to employ servants to maintain their status and comfort. It is now a private dwelling, however, it still has high aesthetic and historic value and forms part of the core character area of the village.

York Civic Trust

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Protected Status/Designation

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Record last edited

Dec 11 2024 11:39AM


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