Building record MYO838 - CHURCH OF ST MICHAEL


Parish church, now pastoral centre. Late C12 arcades, heightened in C15; C14 north wall, partly rebuilt 1868; mid C15 tower; church size reduced in 1821, when east end and south aisle were rebuilt; tower lowered 1966-67; refurbished 1989. Alterations of 1821 by JB and W Atkinson. 6 bells dating between 1466 to 1765.


Grid reference SE 6029 5169 (point)
Map sheet SE65SW
Civil Parish York, City of York, North Yorkshire


Type and Period (14)

Full Description

Parish church, now pastoral centre. Late C12 arcades, heightened in C15; C14 north wall, partly rebuilt 1868; mid C15 tower; church size reduced in 1821, when east end and south aisle were rebuilt; tower lowered 1966-67; refurbished 1989. Alterations of 1821 by JB and W Atkinson. MATERIALS: coursed magnesian limestone and tooled gritstone; tiled roofs to church, pyramidal roof of slate to tower. Aisled nave and sanctuary, with embraced west tower. EXTERIOR: east end and south side on double chamfered plinth, with embattled parapet over moulded eaves string. Both sides have three windows of four cinquefoiled lights with panel traceried heads and hoodmoulds, over moulded sill string. Sillstring stepped up at north end of east wall to form hoodmould over shallow-arched doorway containing plank door with attached 'Gothick' tracery. At west end of south wall is a painted clock face. North side partly obscured by No.24 Spurriergate (qv) has chamfered plinth; to the west are two 4-light windows as above. 2-stage embattled tower has recessed doorway approached by steps between offset buttresses on cut-back moulded plinths. Doorway is 4-centred, of two hollow chamfered orders beneath hoodmould on head stops and contains original double doors with blind Perpendicular tracery to upper part, lower part remade with C18 fielded panels and panelled wicket door. Above is arched window of four cinquefoiled lights with panel tracery, and hoodmould. To north of tower, beneath gabled roof, 4-light window with renewed mullions and blocked traceried head in chamfered opening. To south, similar window to those in south wall. On each side of tower are quadrant-shaped rainwater heads, dated 1821 and 1834 respectively. INTERIOR: panelled reredos against east wall in form of Palladian arch with fluted Corinthian pilasters, frieze with shell and palm mouldings carved in relief, and enriched cornice: incorporates round-headed Commandment, Creed and Paternoster boards. Other carvings include dove in glory in head of central panel, winged cherub heads over flanking panels, and St Michael slaying a dragon above, between urns. Communion rails are richly carved turned balusters between panelled standards, with heavy moulded handrail, carved with foliage. North and south arcades of three and half bays of 2-centred arches of two chamfered orders, on piers of four clustered columns with waterleaf capitals and hollow chamfered abaci, and with moulded bases below present floor level. Tower arches of three hollow chamfered orders on piers and responds of eight clustered columns and shafts with C15 replica
waterleaf capitals and moulded bases. East arch closed by fine pedimented doorcase with double doors of raised and fielded panels in eared and fasciated architrave. Doorcase frieze carved with acanthus beneath enriched cornice and segmental pediment enclosing a mask and foliage trails. Above is a George IV hatchment. STAINED GLASS: includes: early C15 glass, reset in south aisle windows, includes: John the Baptist, at east end; The Nine Orders of Angels to east; The Tree of Jesse in centre; panels depicting Noah building the Arc and St Margaret slaying the Dragon to west. Other glass, including north aisle east end, by J Barnett, c1821. FITTINGS: include: clock mechanism in south-west corner inscribed: "Reconstructed by G J F Newey 1896"; two painted Mayoral boards with the City of York arms and royal ciphers for George II and George III respectively. MONUMENTS: include: north aisle - white marble tablet on grey marble backing, to William Harrison, d.1799, and others; moulded stone monument to Elizabeth Bath, d.1730. South aisle - white and grey marble tablet with Coppinger arms, to Katherine Coppinger, d.1763; white marble monument backed by grey veined marble obelisk, to William Hutchinson, d.1772, signed by the Fishers; pedimented tablet with cartouche, in coloured marble, to John Wood, d.1704, and other members of his family. (City of York: RCHME: The Central Area: HMSO: 1981-: 40-43).
Listing NGR: SE6029551694

Derived from English Heritage LB download dated: 22/08/2005

6 bells: Bell 1 dates to 1765 by George Dalton. Bells 2-5 date to 1681 by Samuel I Smith. Bell 6 of 6 dates to 1466 and was founded by Thomas Innocent. CARE NO. 43/215

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Feb 14 2017 3:38PM


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