Source/Archive record SYO1125 - 8-9 St Peter's Grove Clifton

Title 8-9 St Peter's Grove Clifton
Date/Year 2008


An archaeological watching brief was carried out by On-Site Archaeology at 8-9 St. Peters Grove, Clifton Green, York, during re-development work on two residential buildings. The site was located near to both a known Roman approach road and to the north of a Roman cemetery. The ground-work monitored during the investigation was the excavation of foundation trenches for a new building within the grounds of the property and an extension on to the rear of the extant buildings. This work also included monitoring of new drainage installation. Detected during the new building foundation work was an east to west aligned linear interpreted as a possible late 1st to early 3rd century Roman boundary or drainage ditch and a pit possibly of a similar date. Both the ditch and pit were sealed below a plough-soil of a medieval to post-medieval date. The medieval to post-medieval plough-soil was also evident within the new extension groundwork trenching and associated drainage installation. No other archaeological features were revealed during the watching brief.

Referenced Monuments (0)

Referenced Events (1)

  • 8-9 St Peters Grove (Ref: OSA08WB03)

Record last edited

May 11 2015 9:33AM


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