Source/Archive record SYO1839 - Clementhorpe Maltings WB
Title | Clementhorpe Maltings WB |
Author/Originator | York Archaeological Trust |
Date/Year | 2016 |
An archaeological watching brief was undertaken at Clementhorpe Maltings, Lower
Darnborough Street, York between the 24th February and the 18th March 2016. Ground
works involved the excavation of foundation trenches for new dividing walls within the
property. This work was followed up with a further watching brief undertaken on service
trenches, initially those located to the north of the Maltings building, on 31st May and 1st June
2016. A watching brief was undertaken on a drainage run located outside the western wall,
between 18th August and 19th August 2016.
Features relating to previous phases of the Maltings building were uncovered including
internal wall footings, column pedestals and a tile floor surface. The Maltings building was
constructed on top of a thick levelling deposit. Beneath this deposit five rectangular features
were uncovered that were interpreted as possible grave cuts. These were not further
investigated as the ground works did not impact upon them. They remain preserved in-situ.
Referenced Monuments (1)
Referenced Events (1)
- EYO6214 Clementhorpe Maltings
Record last edited
Mar 9 2017 3:52PM