Source/Archive record SYO1842 - Land north of Avon Drive GEO

Title Land north of Avon Drive GEO
Date/Year 2015


Anomalies have been identified that relate to modern material / objects, agricultural activity and possible geological / pedological variations. One linear anomaly is present that indicates the presence of a sub-surface feature but it cannot be determined if this is an infilled feature, and as such could have archaeological potential, or if it is related to a more modern feature, such as a field drain. There are numerous other weak, discontinuous trends of uncertain origin. It is worth noting that former field boundaries, shown on historic mapping, have not been identified in the data. This, coupled with the relatively weak anomalies that have been identified (excluding those clearly of modern origin) would tend to indicate that the soil has a magnetic susceptibility that is relatively low. This may mean that archaeological features, if any were present, might only produce weak responses that could potentially not be identifiable by the survey.

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Ridge and Furrow Huntington (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

Record last edited

May 17 2016 12:42PM


Your feedback is welcome; if you can provide any new information about this record, please contact the City Archaeologist.