Source/Archive record SYO1843 - Land north of Avon Drive EVAL
Title | Land north of Avon Drive EVAL |
Author/Originator | MAP |
Date/Year | 2015 |
Twenty-three Archaeological Evaluation Trenches were excavated at Land north of Avon Drive, Huntington, from November 30th to December 10th 2015. The work was undertaken as a
response to an Outline Planning Application for residential development.
Archaeological deposits were excavated in five of the trenches (Trenches 5, 8,
18, 19 and 20), consisting of linear features of Romano-British date, along
with a more recent feature that had been identified by geophysical survey.
(The linear feature excavated in Trench 5 was seen to extend northwards into
Trench 3, but was not excavated there due to flooding.)
A modest assemblage of Romano-British and medieval pottery was
recovered, along with a small number of animal bone fragments.
Referenced Monuments (1)
- MYO2950 Ridge and Furrow Huntington (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- EYO6220 Land north of Avon Drive
Record last edited
May 17 2016 12:49PM