Source/Archive record SYO2066 - 17 St Edward's Close WB
Title | 17 St Edward's Close WB |
Author/Originator | *JB Archaeological Services |
Date/Year | 2017 |
An archaeological watching brief was undertaken on the topsoil strip and ground reduction for a new dwelling to the east of St Edward’s Close, Dringhouses. The watching brief recorded a simple stratigraphic sequence across the whole of the site of a uniform topsoil, although heavily disturbed in places. The topsoil had been disturbed by the plot being used as a ‘builder’s yard’ during the construction of the houses on either side. This had led to a large area of disturbed ground as well as the deposition of general building debris. This activity was concentrated on the western side of the site. The topsoil directly overlay the underlying natural geology.
To the east of the new dwelling, and outside the development area, there was an area
of denuded, broad ridge and furrow cultivation. This was almost undoubtedly
associated with the nearby settlement of Dringhouses during the later medieval and
possibly the early post-medieval period. The ridge and furrow survived to a height of
c.0.25m and was c.10m from ridge top to ridge top.
In addition to a wide range of 20th century building debris, nine sherds of pottery
ranging in date from Roman to late 19th/early 20th century, were noted during the
topsoil strip.
No other archaeological find or features were encountered.
Referenced Monuments (0)
Referenced Events (1)
- EYO6411 17 St Edward's Close WB
Record last edited
Oct 23 2018 3:17PM