Source/Archive record SYO2072 - 78 Osbaldwick Lane EVAL

Title 78 Osbaldwick Lane EVAL
Date/Year 2017


An archaeological evaluation was carried out by On-Site Archaeology at 78 Osbaldwick Lane, York. This comprised the excavation of a single trench, located within the footprint of a proposed new dwelling, within the garden attached to the rear of 78 Osbaldwick Lane. The evaluation was carried out in response to a condition attached to a grant of planning permission for redevelopment of the site, due to the potential for the site to contain the remains of a Roman road, or associated settlement. The evaluation trench did not reveal any evidence for the Roman road, or any archaeological features. Deposits encountered were limited to a sequence of soil horizons overlying the natural. The earliest of these was a thin subsoil sealed by the existing garden soil. These layers had been cut by a large regular modern garden feature.

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Record last edited

Oct 23 2018 3:20PM


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