Source/Archive record SYO2085 - Dalton Terrace WB

Title Dalton Terrace WB
Date/Year 2018


A watching brief on ground works for an electrical service trench was undertaken by York Archaeological Trust on behalf of Northern Power Grid on the 30th of January at Dalton Terrace south-east of English Martyrs Church. A roughly rectangular area was excavated, measuring 3m long by 0.5m wide, located within the north-east pavement of Dalton Terrace. The excavation process was not observed as the area was stripped to a depth of 0.5m and left open for observations, it was mechanically excavated. This included removal of the pavement tarmac and concrete. The AOD for the top of the pavement on Dalton Terrace is roughly 20.20m AOD. The sequence of deposits and their depths were very similar to those found in the evaluation (YAT report number: 2014/38). The earliest deposit observed in the trench was an orange-brown, silty sand, plough soil observed at 20.10m AOD, it extended beyond the excavated depth of the trench 19.70m AOD and was roughly 0.4m thick. Above this was a tarmac and concrete mixed deposit making up the pavement surface and boundary to the buildings roughly 0.1m thick.

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Record last edited

Oct 23 2018 3:24PM


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