Source/Archive record SYO2169 - Hungate Development EVA

Title Hungate Development EVA
Date/Year 2000


Fourteen archaeological evaluation trenches were excavated by York Archaeological Trust in advance of the Hungate Development in York. Twelve of these were 1.50m deep, one was 3.00m deep and one was excavated to 5.50m below ground level. The trenches were located in an area roughly bordered by the modern street of The Stonebow to the north, the River Foss to the south, the Northern Electric Depot buildings to the east and Garden Place to the west. All but one of the trenches contained archaeological deposits ranging in date from the Roman period to the present day.
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Referenced Monuments (1)

  • St John in the Marsh (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

Record last edited

Jul 1 2024 1:56PM


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