Source/Archive record SYO2349 - Land at Moor Lane, Copmanthorpe

Title Land at Moor Lane, Copmanthorpe
Date/Year 2018


Anomalies related to modern material / objects and agricultural activity (including probable ridge and furrow) have been identified by the survey. A number of linear trends and positive liner / curvi-linear responses are present whose cause is not certain. They are suggestive of anthropogenic activity and some of them could be related to archaeological features. However, it is also possible that a number of these anomalies are caused by agricultural or drainage activity. A desk-based assessment of the site suggested the possibility that medieval buildings may be present in or near the survey area. Some of the trends and positive anomalies appear to form regular shapes and it is possible that some of these could be related to structural features, although there is no clear evidence in the data to confirm this interpretation.

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Record last edited

Apr 7 2020 8:14AM


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