Source/Archive record SYO2399 - 26 Marygate

Title 26 Marygate
Date/Year 2019


Trench 1 has shown that archaeological horizons and features, including a hearth and stretch of associated wall of late medieval date, are preserved on site, in the northeastern corner beneath the former function room of the club. These layers are present at a minimum depth of 0.87m below the existing ground surface at a maximum level of 15.32m AOD, sealed by postmedieval and early modern deposits. This depth should be sufficient to allow a new foundation slab for the proposed development to sit above the archaeology. As such a formation depth/level of 15.50m AOD should be set to ensure for preservation in-situ of the medieval and any earlier archaeological deposits and structures. To the rear of the site any surviving archaeological layers have already been truncated to a depth below that likely to be reached during the proposed redevelopment.

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Record last edited

Mar 3 2020 5:16PM


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