Source/Archive record SYO2920 - National Railway Museum, South Yard

Title National Railway Museum, South Yard
Date/Year 2022


The NRM is situated in the north-eastern portion of the York Central site, and surrounded by the associated rail infrastructure and bisected by the Leeman Road on a broadly east/west axis. York Archaeology carried out a watching brief at National Railway Museum South Yard between the 13th and the 17th June 2022. The work was undertaken for the National Railway Museum to monitor geotechnical testing for preplanning for the redevelopment of the site to introduce a new gallery and entrance building of around 4000-4500 square metre in area, which will link several of the existing buildings together. Above the glacial deposits the watching brief identified possible preserved deposits indicating an archaeological horizon of unknown date within the study area. These consisted of undated buried soil and clay.

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Former North Eastern Railway Goods Station (Building)

Referenced Events (1)

  • National Railway Museum, South Yard

Record last edited

Dec 12 2022 12:11PM


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