Source/Archive record SYO2939 - The Anglian Tower, York

Title The Anglian Tower, York
Date/Year 2022


The watching brief was intended to record any archaeological deposits or structures exposed during ground reduction across the pathway at the foot of the steps leading down to The Anglian Tower, itself located approximately 2.5m north-east. Within the constraints of the works it was not possible to establish with certainty whether the lowest deposit was undisturbed naturally occurring clay or re-deposited material, potential forming part of the Roman defensive embankment.

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • YORK CITY WALLS Tower 19 (ANGLIAN TOWER) (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

Record last edited

Mar 4 2023 9:19AM


Your feedback is welcome; if you can provide any new information about this record, please contact the City Archaeologist.