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Building: MYO1691 BARCLAYS BANK AND ATTACHED RAILINGS (Building)No summary available
Building: MYO1681 Barley Hall (Building)Probably a prebendal hospice, later house. Probably 13th century originally, with a 15th century hall; alterations of mid-15th century, c1600 and the early 19th century; restored and partly reconstructed c1990. Timber-framed, and brick with pantile a...
Building: MYO4130 Barn (Building)18th-19th century barn to the rear of School Lane, Copmanthorpe. Preserving an interesting example of 18th & 19th century brickwork within one building. The 18th century pantiled roof and wall visible from Back Lane is part of the street scene. Forms...
Building: MYO4452 Barn at Old Church Farm (Building)The barn was built in the 17th century, with 18th century alterations.
Building: MYO1991 BARN TO SOUTH OF GREYSTONE (Building)No summary available
Monument: MYO45 Barrow Fields (Monument)No summary available
Landscape: MYO4465 BATTLE OF FULFORD 1066 (Landscape)The Battle of Fulford or Battle of Fulford Gate on 20 September 1066 was fought by a force led by Harald Hardrada of Norway against the English Earls Morcar and Edwin in the first of three battles in 1066 which played an important part in deciding th...
Monument: MYO5059 Battle of York 866 (Monument)The site of the Battle of York is located in the City of York. The battle was fought in 866 as the result of Viking raids on England. York was captured by a Viking raiding army who were then attacked by the Northumbrians. The latter were defeated and...
Monument: MYO5058 Battles of York 1069 (Monument)A combined record for two battles in 1069 (Jan and Sept). Battle of York 1069 , 28th January. Norman force in the city was defeated by an English force. The Norman garrison was led by William Malet, who then occupied the new castle, which was on ...