Record Search
Monument: MYO64 Deserted Medieval Settlement (?) Wheldrake (Monument)No summary available
Monument: MYO136 Deserted Medieval Village? (Monument)Deserted Medieval village mentioned in Domesday and the 1301 tax return. Aerial photographs taken in 1951 revealed earthworks possibly associated with the settlement. Later photography shows these possible close boundaries to the north and east of Ma...
Monument: MYO143 Deserted settlement (Monument)No summary available
Monument: MYO144 Deserted settlement (Monument)No summary available
Monument: MYO178 Deserted settlement (Monument)The settlement of Scagglethorpe is recorded in Domesday and later documentary sources. By the 20th century only a few farm workers houses remained around Thickpenny Lane. The settlement name is reflected in Scagglethorpe Moor.
Monument: MYO172 Deserted settlement (?) (Monument)Unsure where this information has come from - no source in HER.
Building: MYO3973 Dewsbury Cottages (Building)Identified as Buildings of Merit in the Historic Core Conservation Area Appraisal.
Monument: MYO5288 Dispersal pen and blister hanger, former RAF Clifton (Monument)Site of former dispersal pen and blister hanger. Now removed.
Monument: MYO3588 Dispersal Pen at Military Airfield Rawcliffe (Monument)The earthworks of a war-time fighter dispersal pen is recorded by oblique photographs of the eastern end of the disused airfield at Clifton Moor, adjacent to Whitehall Grange. This is the last remaining example of a pen from the airfield.
Monument: MYO3770 Disturbed inhumation Grange Garth (Monument)A disturbed inhumation of probable Romano-British date has been recorded at Grange Garth in 1994. The remains were discovered by workmen who reported the find to the police. No report was produced.