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Monument: MYO3476 Field System south of Elvington Airfield (Monument)A field system comprising rectilinear enclosures, with many double-ditched elements, of probable Iron Age/Roman date, is visible as cropmarks on air photographs. Other features include a square barrow and round house.
Monument: MYO3477 Field System south of Elvington Airfield (Monument)A field system comprising rectilinear enclosures and associated round houses, of possible Iron Age/Roman date, is visible as cropmarks on air photographs.
Monument: MYO3479 Field System south of Elvington Airfield (Monument)A group of rectilinear enclosures and dispersed ditches, are possibly part of an Iron Age/Roman field system, visible as cropmarks on air photographs.
Monument: MYO3494 Field System south of Elvington Airfield (Monument)A field system comprising ditched rectilinear enclosures and associated round houses, of possible Iron Age/Roman date, is visible as cropmarks on air photographs. More extensive field systems lie to west (SE 64 NE 3) and east (SE 64 NE 2), but the re...
Monument: MYO3005 Field System south of Elvington Airfield (Monument)An extensive Iron Age/Roman field system is visible as cropmarks on air photographs. It comprises rectilinear enclosures with associated round houses, trackways, and many double-ditched elements. A possible Iron Age square barrow was also identified....
Monument: MYO3545 Field System Wheldrake (Monument)Aerial photographs record an earthwork embankment cross on Wheldrake Ings. The date and purpose are uncertain. The feature probably represents a group of pillow mounds, perhaps of medieval date and associated with the nearby Carmelite foundation of T...
Monument: MYO3546 Field System Wheldrake (Monument)An Iron Age or Roman field system and settlement are visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs. The field system is extensive, extending about 3km, with the main axis of the ditches running approximately north-south and east-west. At the southern en...
Monument: MYO3638 Field system, Manor Lane, Rawcliffe (Monument)A Roman ditch aligned north-west to south-east which terminates within trench 4 was the earliest feature recovered and suggests that Roman occupation and land use continued to the west of the settlement at Rawcliffe Manor. It also revealed a short se...
Monument: MYO2011 Field System, St Oswalds Primary School (Monument)No summary available
Monument: MYO129 Field system? (Monument)No summary available