Record Search
Monument: MYO3879 Field to the East of Overton Wood (Monument)The features encountered on this site appeared to represent a series of associated fire pits, perhaps of prehistoric date. They were isolated from any other settlement evidence.
Monument: MYO3880 Field to the south of Prospect Cottage, Prospect Cottage, Dunnington, York (Monument)Shallow V shaped ditches were revealed. These were interpreted as part of a late Iron Age field system. At least on major change in the layout of this system was identified.
Find Spot: MYO204 Find spot - Quern (Find Spot)No summary available
Find Spot: MYO200 Find spot - vessel (Find Spot)No summary available
Monument: MYO407 findspot (Monument)Stone axe Record redundant - see MYO198
Find Spot: MYO194 Findspot (brooch, undated) (Find Spot)No summary available
Find Spot: MYO242 findspot COIN:VALENTINIAN I (Find Spot)No summary available
Find Spot: MYO191 Findspot of finger ring (FYO02) (Find Spot)No summary available
Find Spot: MYO190 Findspot of medieval seal (FYO01) (Find Spot)No summary available
Find Spot: MYO284 Findspot Roman Ampulla (Find Spot)No summary available