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Monument: MYO3644 Heslington East Possible Mesolithic Occupation (Monument)Flint suggest seasonal camp site-trench 2 The earliest recorded activity comprised occasional flints dated to the Mesolithic period. Whilst a substantial proportion of these were recovered from much later features and deposits, Trench 2 does appe...
Monument: MYO3645 Heslington East Possible Neolithic occupation (Monument)The Neolithic period is represented by a small quantity of diagnostic worked flint. However, no excavated features could confidently be assigned a date within this period Within Area B6, to the southeast of the main northern spine road investigations...
Monument: MYO3671 Heslington East: Iron Age ladder settlement (Monument)Iron Age ladder settlement with two enclosures (one in area containing roundhouses and ring-gullies). Evidence of metalworking see related monument file. At least three internal ring ditches are visible as soilmarks during open area excavations o...
Monument: MYO3670 Heslington East: Bronze Age Cremation (Monument)During the cutting of drainage trenches in early June 2009 by contractors a prehistoric cremation was found some 19m east of the north-eastern corner of the A1 area of excavation. The cremated remains were covered by an inverted, decorated, collared ...
Monument: MYO3649 Heslington East: Bronze Age Cremation (Monument)Excavations in Field 8
Monument: MYO3674 Heslington East: Field System (Monument)A lattice like field system was located across much of area A2. This system established in the Iron Age underwent a series of alterations and seems to have continued in use into the early Roman period
Monument: MYO3647 Heslington East: Iron Age (Monument)This Monument appears on the Onsite Archaeology and University Reports Late Iron Age: comprising the square enclosure, containing at least one, and possibly two, roundhouses. The late Iron Age evidence therefore may indicate a resettlement of a...
Monument: MYO3668 Heslington East: Metalworking (Monument)Evidence for metalworking of Iron Age date was also present in Area A1. Group 149 comprised Sets 840-41 and was associated with the establishment of a possible metal-working industry. Furnaces with clay lining, iron slag crucibles, charcoa, a lead sh...
Monument: MYO3646 Heslington East: Possible Bronze Age Water Management (Monument)Management and alteration of the natural springs. Field 9: Concentration of waterholes in Trench 2- represented by several pits & pit features. Isolated waterholes within Field 8- represented by several pits & pit features. The level of water manag...
Monument: MYO3673 Heslington East: Roman Cremation (Monument)In Area A1: Group 68 was comprised of a cremation. The fill, a friable, mid orangey brown clayey-sand contained large amounts of charcoal and 426g of burnt bone together with fragments pottery