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  • Historic hedgerows possibly continuations of prehistoric coaxial fields or early roads. Possible survivors of the prehistoric field system (later hedged) are north hedge of Intake Lane, Coney Garth Lane and the east hedge of East Field on the Dunning...
  • Medieval boundaries marking out the early medieval boundaries of Ianulfesthorpe, Dunnington and an unnamed township.
  • Prior to 1855 labouters opening a marl pit on Dunnington Common found an 'ancient narrow causeway' 0.3m from the surface. It was roughly paved and flanked by oak piles. It was roughly 1.2m wide. Feature found in the next field close to a mound like e...
  • Askham Grange was built in 1886 for Sir Andrew Fairbairn by Chorley and Connan Architects from Leeds. A large extension was added to the house in 1912 by Fairbairn Wales. The main body of the house contained the whole range of high quality rooms on i...
  • Site of a post-medieval water mill on Hob Moor, called Hob Milne and later Folly Milne, known from documentary sources only, and one of only two water mills documented in York. The mill is first mentioned in 1563, was rebuilt between 1600 and 1602, a...
  • Hob Moor, with the adjacent Knavesmire, is one of the two ancient commons of York and part of Micklegate Stray. Although encroached upon from the east, and ploughed over in the Napoleonic period, it remains essentially intact. Approximately 39ha in e...
  • In verge opposite Knavesmire Manor. YN_TCYO08
  • The Hob Stone or Hob's Stone consists of a heavy coffin-lid (39inx21inx15in) bearing a very weathered effigy of a knight. The lid is set upright. On the left arm is a shield-of-arms of three water bougets, presumably for the family of Ros (probably...
  • A hogback stone was found in Burton Stone Lane in 1964. It was found among other stone fragments which are thought to be demolition material from St Mary's Bishophill Senior. The ridge stylistically `emanates' from the mouth of a beast, the first of ...
  • Rectilinear earthwork marked on 1st Edition OS survey plan of 1853, now built over at Enfield Crescent. Excavation carried out in 1936 by Phillip Corder, reported in YAYAs Ann Report, 1951-2, pp31-5. In 1936 the summit of Holgate Hill was surroun...