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Find Spot: MYO257 Human Remains (Find Spot)No summary available
Find Spot: MYO288 Human Remains (Find Spot)No summary available
Find Spot: MYO289 Human Remains (Find Spot)No summary available
Find Spot: MYO270 Human remains - Roman burial (Find Spot)No summary available
Find Spot: MYO268 Human remains - Roman burial (Find Spot)No summary available
Find Spot: MYO265 Human Remains - Roman burial? (Find Spot)No summary available
Building: MYO4062 Huntington Community Centre (Building)The Old Board School is one of the oldest public buildings in Huntington. Owned by the Parish Council it is used for a number of activities. Many original features including recently restored stained glass windows. Nominated for inclusion on the Loc...
Building: MYO505 HUNTINGTON GRANGE (Building)No summary available
Building: MYO4063 Huntington Memorial Hall (Building)Purchased by subscription, an aspect of social history, of architectural interest. Managed by trustees and volunteers, an important community asset. Nominated for inclusion on the Local List of Heritage Assets.
Monument: MYO4530 HUNTINGTON ROAD BRICKWORKS (Monument)Site of late 19th century brick works which specialised in hand-made bricks.Moulded by hand, the bricks were dried in 12 tunnel driers. The Newcastle kilns held 31-32,000 bricks each.