Record Search
Building: MYO1509 2 and 2b Gillygate (Building)No summary available
Building: MYO1859 2 and 3 Belle Vue Terrace and 97 Heslington Road (Building)No summary available
Building: MYO1723 2 Church Street (Building)House with shop. 1836-39, with C20 shopfront. Painted brick in Flemish bond, rendered at right side; timber cornice to slate roof with brick stack at each end.
Building: MYO1667 2 College Street (Building)Originally a 14th century two-storey timber framed building with alterations circa 1600 and circa 1700. Only vestiges remain of the original house, the building is now ostensibly 19th century.
Building: MYO1633 2 Coney Street (Building)Shop. c1880. Red brick in English garden wall bond with dressings and shopfront of cream terracotta; slate mansard roof with ornate brick stacks.
Building: MYO1555 2 Front Street (Building)House, nursing home in the 1960s, now shop and office. Late C18 with some C20 alterations. Brick. Slate roof to main building and plain tile to left-hand wing. EXTERIOR: 2 storeys and 3 bays. The facade has a one-course brick band at 1st floor si...
Building: MYO3898 2 Hetherton Street (Building)Two storey 19th century building on the corner of Hetherton Street and Marygate described as a Building of Merit in the Historic Core Conservation Area Appraisal. Red Brick Front & Rear Elevations. Buff brick architectural details. (Heads & dentil...
Building: MYO1402 2 High Petergate (Building)2-2a High Petergate. House and shop, now cafe. c1840 with later C19 shopfront, altered.
Building: MYO5000 2 King's Square (Building)Number 2 King's Square is a house and shop of dating from the second quarter of the 19th century
Building: MYO1308 2 Lendal, former Congregational chapel, now restaurant (Building)In September 1815 a site was purchased on the south side of Lendal almost opposite the Judges' Lodgings; LENDAL CHAPEL was opened in November of the following year. It provided accommodation for 950 persons and in the basement there was a room for a ...