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Monument: MYO4532 COUNTY INDUSTRIES LIMITED (Monument)World War II Filling Factory in Rowntrees confectionery factory, having the status of Royal Ordnance assisted factory.
Building: MYO4573 DANEBURY HOUSE (Now 13, 15, & 15a The Green) (Building)A late 18th century three storey house with a 19th century annexe, converted into three tenements in the 20th century.
Monument: MYO4563 FESTIVAL CONCERT ROOM (Monument)Built in 1825 to designs by P Atkinson Junior and R H Sharp. The concert room was capable of seating 1700 persons. Built of brick. In the 20th century the concert room was gutted and offices built within it. At the same time an extra story was added ...
Building: MYO1795 Former Chapel At Bootham Park Hospital (Building)Chapel built in 1865 to the designs of Rawlins Gould, in Early English Gothic style. Constructed of coursed rubble with an octagonal west turret and spirelet.
Monument: MYO4467 Group of conjoined rectilinear ditched enclosures (Monument)A group of conjoined rectilinear ditched enclosures, which are probably Iron Age or Roman in date are visible as cropmarks on aerial photographs taken in 2001. The site comprises at least four conjoined rectilinear enclosures which extend over an are...
Monument: MYO4537 HAVERFORD House (now youth hostel) (Monument)A large two storey house, built in c.1840 for the Rowntree Family, now used as a youth hostel.
Monument: MYO4592 HOLGATE BRIDGE (Monument)Bridge built in 1824 over Holgate Beck.
Monument: MYO4975 Holy Trinity Maison Dieu, Aldwark (Monument)An almshouse in Aldwark documented in 1439. Exact location unknown.
Monument: MYO4800 Hospital By St Williams Chapel on Ouse bridge (Monument)A hospital on Ouse bridge, already described as ancient in 1302, was endowed for the support of the poor and lepers of both sexes, and for people who fell into misfortune. A charity was refounded in 1305, apparently illegally, and the hospital became...
Monument: MYO4775 HOSPITAL OF ST HELENS FISHERGATE (Monument)An indulgence was granted towards the repair of the leper hospital in 1444. It was apparently demolished in 1622. Knowles and Hadcock suggested that this may be the site of the earlier St Giles Hospital, but Richards et al suggest that St Giles Hospi...