Building record MYO4033 - Marriott Hotel (Swallows Hotel)


The central section of the hotel was a house (1876); The Hollies was built for John Close, a York businessman and Alderman, by the N. E. Railway who required the site of his original house for the new Railway Station. Nominated for inclusion on the local list of heritage assets.


Grid reference Centred SE 5890 4984 (84m by 101m)
Map sheet SE54NE
Unitary Authority City of York, North Yorkshire


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

The hotel was originally constructed in 1876 as a residential building for the York businessman and alderman John Close, who required his house to be close to the new Railway Station. Nicknamed ‘The Hollies’, the house overlooks the racecourse and Knaversmire and soon earned the tile of the gateway to York as well as became the terminus for the Dringhouses tramline. It was first transformed into The Harkers Hotel in 1927 before being renamed the Chase Hotel in 1948 and most recently it was acquired by Marriott International in 2001. Many original features of the house remain, such as the Close family horse stables that are now the hotel’s management centre. The rear garden contains elements of the original design with path edges and steps in wrought iron. The landmark building signifies the development of the Dringhouses area and has great historic value, being linked to an influential York family.

York Civic Trust

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Record last edited

Dec 11 2024 11:49AM


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