Building record MYO4046 - Alfreda, 61 Heslington Lane


Of historic interest to the community: home over the years to many civic leaders. Externally unaltered and a valuable contribution to the Fulford Conservation area street scene. Under threat of new development. Nominated for inclusion on the local list of heritage assets. HBSMR map highlights 59-61 Heslington Lane.


Grid reference Centred SE 6121 4952 (24m by 19m)
Map sheet SE64NW
Unitary Authority City of York, North Yorkshire


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

61 Heslington Lane, also known as Alfreda, is an Edwardian house which has been internally altered throughout the years but has retained its original exterior. The building sits within the eastern fringe of the Fulford Conservation Area and is of historical and political importance within the area. Alfreda has been home to many civic leaders and a cabinet minister in Tony Blair’s first administration over the years. The building has now been sympathetically converted into flats. Along Heslington Lane are several Victorian and Edwardian houses that contribute to the street scene in Fulford, including No. 61.
York Civic Trust

Sources/Archives (0)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

Dec 11 2024 1:53PM


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