Conservation Area: Fulford Village Conservation Area (Conservation Area 30)

See our for general information on Listed Buildings, Scheduled Monuments and Conservation Areas.

Authority City of York Council
Date assigned 12 November 1998
Date last amended


Fulford Village conservation area includes Main Street as the focus of the village's historic development and areas extending behind the Main Street, which are part of the historic field pattern and landscape setting of Fulford. These include the former medieval back lanes, known as Fenwick's Lane and School Lane. A Conservation Area Appraisal was carried out in 2008. Fulford contains several listed buildings including the Church of St Oswald (GII). There is no complete break in the built-up area between York and Fulford, yet the village has its own sense of identity. The main elements of the character and appearance of the area are: 1) That Fulford retains so much of its own identity, despite the presence of traffic and not being separated from the built-up area of York 2) The surviving historic street pattern and the way this has evolved 3) The linear village character of Main Street and the gradually unfolding views along it 4) The contrast between the character of the Ings and gadens at the western fringe of the settlement 5) The attractive mixture of cottages and larger houses but with a shared sense of scale and unity 6) The contribution of trees to the setting of the village and views within it

External Links (0)

Sources (5)

  • Unpublished document: 2008. Fulford Conservation Area Appraisal.
  • Unpublished document: 2015. Sir John Hunt Memorial Homes.
  • Unpublished document: Fulford Conservation Area.
  • Unpublished document: Mike Griffiths & Associates. 2013. Connaught Court, Fulford Heritage Statement.
  • Unpublished document: O'Neills Assoc. 2013. Connaught Court, Fulford Heritage Statement.



Grid reference Centred SE 6087 4919 (746m by 993m)
Map sheet SE64NW

Related Monuments/Buildings (24)

Record last edited

Dec 12 2024 3:32PM


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