Source/Archive record SYO3112 - Deanery Garages and land to the rear of Minster Yard

Title Deanery Garages and land to the rear of Minster Yard
Date/Year 2024


Between 5th and 22nd June 2023, York Archaeology (YA) conducted an archaeological evaluation in the grounds of the Deanery allotment, to the rear of the Deanery Garages on Minster Court. Further to this work, a watching brief was undertaken between 18th and 22nd September 2023.

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Legionary Fortress (Eboracum) (Monument)
  • Roman barrack blocks (west of Porta Decumana) (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Deanery Garages and land to the rear of Minster Yard (Ref: YA/2023/059)

Record last edited

Jul 12 2024 2:44PM


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