Monument record MYO4301 - Roman barrack blocks (west of Porta Decumana)


Barrack blocks seen in several investigations on the east side of the fortress - Deans Park, Purey Cust and Deanery Gardens


Grid reference Centred SE 6029 5229 (152m by 142m) (2 map features)
Map sheet SE65SW
Unitary Authority City of York, North Yorkshire


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Purey Cust:
Part of barrack block building revealed during excavation in 2013. Appeared to have been retained in use until the 9th century.
The earliest features revealed in 2013 is thought to have been the internal wall of the barrack block. However, this remained unexcavated so a construction date could not be confirmed. At the lowest level reached, the wall was constructed from finely tooled, smooth faced, magnesian limestone ashlar, bonded with a pale reddish brown coarse gritty sand mortar. By the 5th century the barrack area appears to have been cleared before re-occupation commenceed, however, part of the block exposed in the 2013 excavation have been retained up to the 9th century. (YAT)

Deans Park:
Evaluation and excavation in the early and late 1990s (NAA and FAS)

Deanery Gardens:
The archaeological sequence relating to the Roman occupation in the north-western area of the fortress has been well preserved due to the site being largely used as gardens in the medieval and later periods. The earliest phase of activity observed comprised structural components which together were interpreted as a Roman building: a stone wall on a northwest to south-east alignment, a cobbled surface to the northeast of the wall interpreted as an exterior floor surface with a sandy clay deposit to the south-east of the wall, interpreted as a foundation on which a floor surface would have been laid. Over the top of the floor foundation were traces of mortar.
There was only a limited opportunity to investigate the earliest features, but pottery finds suggested a 1st-2nd century date for the construction of the building. In excavations elsewhere in the fortress, one or two initial phases of construction in timber were observed in the 1st century, followed by a reconstruction phase in stone in the 2nd century. The Roman building observed at Deanery Gardens, based on dating evidence and observations on a section created through the building by later intrusions, can perhaps be attributed to the initial phase of construction in stone of the 2nd century,
which is corroborated by the pottery dating evidence. (York Archaeology 2024).

NAA, 1991, York Minster Library extension (Unpublished document). SYO228.

FAS, 2000, Minster Library (Unpublished document). SYO285.

YAT, 2013, Purey Cust Precentors Court York (Unpublished document). SYO1503.

York Archaeology, 2024, Deanery Garages and land to the rear of Minster Yard (Unpublished document). SYO3112.

*J Creighton, L Verdonck, M Millet, T M Boehmer, 2025, GPR within the Precinct of York Minster (Unpublished document). SYO3157.

Sources/Archives (5)

  • --- Unpublished document: YAT. 2013. Purey Cust Precentors Court York.
  • --- Unpublished document: NAA. 1991. York Minster Library extension.
  • --- Unpublished document: FAS. 2000. Minster Library.
  • --- Unpublished document: York Archaeology. 2024. Deanery Garages and land to the rear of Minster Yard.
  • --- Unpublished document: *J Creighton, L Verdonck, M Millet, T M Boehmer. 2025. GPR within the Precinct of York Minster.

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (1)

Record last edited

Feb 18 2025 10:28AM


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