Record Search
Building: MYO564 BREWSTER'S COTTAGE AND BREWHOUSE (Building)Brewster's house and brewhouse, now house, built mid 18th century with a 19th century outshut to the right and 20th century alterations alterations. They are constructed from pinkish-brown brick with plain tiled roofs.
Monument: MYO4440 BRICK AND TILE WORKS (Monument)Site of a brick and tileworks of circa 1850 which produced pantiles, decorative bricks, and land drains. Demolished 1970, and the pit is now waterfilled.
Monument: MYO186 Brick and Tile Works (Monument)No summary available
Monument: MYO187 Brick kiln (Monument)No summary available
Monument: MYO189 Brick Kiln (Monument)Brick Kiln
Monument: MYO188 Brick kiln (Monument)No summary available
Monument: MYO2034 Brick tomb Grange Garth (Monument)An unpublished brick tomb from Grange Garth found in 1897 has been reconstructed in the Yorkshire Museum as a rectangular cist. This monument may form part of the Fishergate Roman cemetery.
Building: MYO5314 Bridge Farm, Heslington (Building)Bridge Farm is a traditional Georgian farmhouse. The farmhouse contributes to the aesthetic of the village's street view and conservation area. Nominated for inclusion on the local list of heritage assets
Monument: MYO4071 Bridge over lake, Rowntree Park (Monument)Together with the Lodge, Café and Dovecote, it forms an important group of structures at the core of the Park. Nominated for inclusion on the Local List of Heritage Assets.