Record Search
Monument: MYO301 Castle Mills Weir (Monument)Weir - possibly shown (not labelled) on 2nd OS. Did this replace the original one shown on the 1st Ed OS slightly further to the NE?
Monument: MYO298 Castle Mills Wharf (Monument)No summary available
Building: MYO1776 CASTLE MUSEUM THE DEBTORS PRISON (Building)Former debtors' prison, now a museum. Built as the County Gaol in 1701-05 and altered and extended between 1824 and 1835. The building was converted into a museum circa 1950 and restored in 1966. It stands south of Clifford's Tower, in the former bai...
Building: MYO1747 CASTLE MUSEUM THE FEMALE PRISON (Building)Female prison and yard built in 1780-83 to the designs of Thomas Wilkinson and John Prince who repeated the facade design of the Court House opposite by John Carr. The prison was altered and wings added in 1802 with a podium and steps added in 1820-5...
Monument: MYO5065 Castlegate Postern (Monument)Site of 14th century postern demolished in 1826-7. At the time of the demolition the postern consisted of a round-headed archway about 16 feet high and 11 feet wide flanked by a D-shaped tower of three storeys. The tower was 25 feet wide and projecte...
Building: MYO1127 Cathedral Church of St Peter, York Minster (Building)Founded on the site of a Roman fortress in 627. Present building is the fifth rebuilding dating from the 11th century. It may be reasoned that York had a cathedral in 314 from the fact that Bishop Eborius of York was a representative of the English c...
Route: MYO2237 Causeway across Hob Moor (Route)Straight trackway or droveway flanked by ditches, surviving as an earthwork on Hob Moor. The track was ploughed over in the Napoleonic period, which shows it to have originated in the late 18th century at the latest, but it may be of medieval origin.
Monument: MYO4224 Cavalry Barracks - Imphal Barracks (Monument)Following enclosure of the common land in the late 1750s the land to either side of Fulford Road was split into smaller fields. The Cavalry Barracks (1795) were constructed on the east side of Fulford Road to house troops who had previously been bil...
Building: MYO650 CEDAR TREE FARM (Building)No summary available
Monument: MYO4339 Cemetery (unmarked) (Monument)During groundworks for a single storey extension a significant amount of human remains were encountered- mostly being disarticulated with three articulated human burials being present. The articulated burials were laid in a supine position and orient...