Record Search
Building: MYO630 CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY (Building)No summary available
Building: MYO442 CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY (Building)(MYO343 and MYO23 are repeat records for this church. This record - MYO442 - is the primary record) Stone-built church, of 14th century date, restored in 1886 by C Hodgson Fowler. Magnesian limestone ashlar with plain tile roof and wooden bell tow...
Building: MYO3976 Church on corner of Bishophill/Priory St (Building)19th century church identified as a Building of Merit in the Historic Core Conservation Area Appraisal.
Monument: MYO2076 Church Street Roman Sewer (Monument)No summary available
Monument: MYO4747 Churchyard memorials (Monument)Two monuments in the churchyard of St Lawrence's Church. One lies 5 metres south west of the medieval tower and comprises a brick wall with an inscribed tablet set against it, overlooking a grave surrounded by iron railings. It commemorates the four ...
Monument: MYO3691 Churchyard, Church of All Saints, Pavement (Monument)The northern and southern parts of the churchyard were removed in the 17th century for street widening so that only a small part remains on the west. From: 'The parish churches', A History of the County of York: the City of York (1961), pp. 365-404....
Monument: MYO3689 Churchyard, Church of St. Michael, Spurriergate (Monument)First dates from 1088 and 1093. Exists as open space.
Monument: MYO3690 Churchyard, St. John, Micklegate (Monument)North Street widened in 1851. Churchyard now used as pavement for pedestrians.