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Monument: MYO4012 Clarence Gardens (Monument)Probably designed by the City Engineer. Nominated for inclusion on York's local list of heritage assets because it has been a valued and useful amenity for many years; and because it forms an attractive and appropriate focal point characteristic of i...
Building: MYO4926 Clarence House, Clarence Street (Building)A three storey, three bay house, built in c.1830 and demolished in 1969.
Building: MYO4620 Clarence Street (Building)49-95 Clarence Street (west side): Terrace built c.1840. Partly demolished. 36-74 (east side)
Monument: MYO3888 Clarence Street Gardens/ Haxby Road Roman Cemetery (Monument)Small inhumation cemetery in a field near the junction of Wigginton and haxby roads, comprising about a dozen burials accompanied by Roman pottery. Disturbed in 1833. A stone coffin with skeleton was found on the west side of Clarence Street in 1839 ...
Building: MYO1997 CLEMENTHORPE MALTINGS (Building)No summary available
Monument: MYO2014 Clementhorpe Nunnery (St Clements Priory) (Monument)The priory of Clementhorpe was the only medieval nunnery in the immediate vicinity of the city of York and the first post-Conquest religious house for women in the whole of Yorkshire. The priory is very inadequately documented. Founded by Archbis...
Monument: MYO2012 Clementhorpe Roman cemetery (Monument)Cemetery evidenced by 19th century find of coffin and inscribed tombstone (EYO 2839). RCHME (Vol 1, p107-108) states that several burials are recorded with 3rd-4th century grave goods (pots). May be associated with suggested villa at Clementhorpe (E...
Monument: MYO2013 Clementhorpe Roman Villa (Monument)Part of a large Roman town-house, with associated 4th century pottery was excavated before development work; further excavation revealed an earlier, possibly 2nd century building.
Building: MYO1720 CLIFFORD CHAMBERS (NUMBER 4) (Building)No summary available
Monument: MYO1748 CLIFFORDS TOWER (Monument)A castle keep, known as Clifford's Tower, built between 1245 and 1272 for Henry III. It stands on a motte, which was originally larger and surrounded by a deep moat. The stone-built tower is quatrefoil in plan and is entered through a buttressed fore...