Record Search
Monument: MYO37 Ditch (Monument)No summary available
Monument: MYO4470 Ditch (Monument)A short length of ditch approximately 120m long is recorded as a cropmark in a field on the west side of Elvington Lane. It is of unknown purpose and date.
Monument: MYO4282 Ditch (Monument)An archaeological evaluation, comprising the excavation of two trenches, each 2 metres square and 1. 5 metres in depth, was carried out on behalf of Alston Murphy Associates in March 1998. The evaluation was situated on the site of a proposed extensi...
Monument: MYO4602 Ditch (Monument)A long ditch of possible medieval or post-medieval data is visible as earthworks on historic air photos. This record was supplied under the NRHE pilot project, but has not yet been re-supplied so details are now hidden.
Monument: MYO174 ditch (Monument)No summary available
Monument: MYO182 Ditch (Monument)No summary available
Monument: MYO112 Ditch (Monument)No summary available
Monument: MYO4316 Ditch (possible continuation of MYO4315?) (Monument)Cropmark of a straight, thin ditch of uncertain period was visible on air photographs AP CRA 95/12 22-JAN-1987
Monument: MYO401 ditch ? (Monument)No summary available
Monument: MYO4175 Ditch and pit (Monument)Probable Roman ditch and pit located during a WB in 2008. Ditch was orientated east to west and measured 16.5m in length and 3m in width. The fill appeared to represent the silting up of the open ditch. The ditch probably represents either a bounda...