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Find Spot: MYO240 findspot, Neolithic (?) polished axehead (Find Spot)No summary available
Find Spot: MYO278 findspot, Neolithic (?) axe (Find Spot)No summary available
Find Spot: MYO290 findspot, Neolithic (?) axe (Find Spot)No summary available
Find Spot: MYO285 findspot, Neolithic (?) axe hammer (Find Spot)EBA perforated axe-hammer fd
Find Spot: MYO210 findspot, Neolithic Axe (Find Spot)No summary available
Find Spot: MYO211 findspot, Neolithic Axe (Find Spot)No summary available
Find Spot: MYO212 findspot, Neolithic Axe (Find Spot)A well worked flint implement found in 1953 and deposited with the Yorkshire Museum.
Find Spot: MYO198 findspot, Neolithic axe (Find Spot)The approximate find spot of a Neolithic polished stone axe was indicated at SE 55804705 by the finder Mr M Atkinson. The axe was found circa 1928 and was subsequently kept at Easingwold Grammar School.
Find Spot: MYO241 findspot, Neolithic axe hammer (Find Spot)No summary available
Find Spot: MYO230 Findspot, Neolithic flint scatter (Find Spot)No summary available