Record Search
Find Spot: MYO251 Heslington Roman necklace (Find Spot)No summary available
Monument: MYO101 Heslington village (Monument)No summary available
Building: MYO4715 Heworth Cottage (Building)House built in the 17th century, the building has since been demolished.
Building: MYO1430 Heworth Croft and attached coach house (Building)Villa and coach house built in 1842-3, now in use as a private accomodation. The main building is of two storeys, with additional attic space and basement. The fabric is of pale yellow brick in Flemish bond with a Welsh slate roof. Two chimneys flank...
Monument: MYO3330 Heworth Green Roman Cemetery (part of) (Monument)No summary available
Monument: MYO4710 Heworth Hall (Monument)Built in 1830 with eleven bedrooms. This was perhaps the largest of the villas that sprang up in Heworth following the enclosure awards of the early 19th century. In a conservative classical style. Demolished 1934.
Building: MYO4014 Heworth House (Building)This was the old Heworth Rectory designed by G. Fowler Jones. Representative of a high Victorian Gothic architecture. It has had several changes of use including vehicle driving licence test centre and is now a day nursery, showing its easy adaptabil...
Building: MYO1423 HEWORTH VILLA (Building)Villa built in the second quarter of the 19th century.
Monument: MYO2184 Heworth Windmill (Monument)No summary available
Find Spot: MYO276 Heworth Without Roman Coin (Find Spot)No summary available