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Monument: MYO4739 LADY HEWLEYS HOSPITAL (Monument)Site of an almshouse built in circa 1700 in Tanner Row. Moved to St Saviourgate in 1840. Exact location unknown.
Monument: MYO2017 Lady or Clifton Corn Mill (Monument)Site of Mill indicated on 1st edition OS Map. This is the site of the windmill burned on May 2nd 1644 during the Seige of York. Now demolished and built over.
Building: MYO5307 Lamel Beeches (former Medical Superintendent's house for The Retreat) (Building)Lamel Beeches, the row of outbuildings and the forecourt, 1908 to 1909 by Walter Brierley for The Retreat mental asylum.
Monument: MYO2208 Lamel Hill (Monument)Tumulus within the grounds of the Retreat. Lamel Hill overlies a Romano-British/ Anglian cemetery. It has been interpreted as a possible Anglo-Saxon tumulus. It was used as a gun battery/ observation platform during the seige of York in 1644.
Building: MYO4155 Lane Dike and trees (Building)1795. Awarded to the village by the introduction of the Enclosures Act for use as a watering place. Possibly originally a fording place, (Ruff Ford) Restored in 2002 with funding from Yorwaste and help from BTCV.
Monument: MYO97 Langwith Lodge (Monument)Moated site shown on 1st Edition OS map. Moat shown as a water-filled feature on eastern, northern and western sides of Langwith Lodge.
Building: MYO4101 Large Barn, Dunnington (Building)This agricultural building on Eastfield Lane sets an historic tone to the entry to the village from Church Balk. Of English garden wall brickwork it is a visible reminder of Dunnington’s farming past. Nominated for inclusion on Local List of Heritage...
Monument: MYO4836 Late Bronze Age socketed Axe (Monument)Late Bronze Age socketed axe found on 'The Mount' in 1872
Monument: MYO4837 Late Bronze Age spearhead (Monument)Late Bronze Age spearhead from High Ousegate