Record Search
Monument: MYO4904 Malt Kiln, rear of 42 Monkgate (Monument)A long building of one-storey. The building is constructed of brick and is of mid 18th century date and was fromerly a malt kiln. Demolished
Monument: MYO53 Manor (Monument)No summary available
Monument: MYO133 Manor (Monument)No summary available
Monument: MYO31 Manor Farm (Monument)No summary available
Building: MYO4158 Manor Farm & outbuildings (Building)A fine and rare example of a traditional Victorian farmhouse and its associated brick built barn and stable block. Nominated for inclusion on the Local List of Heritage Assets.
Monument: MYO4303 Manor Farm Barns (Pigeon Cote Farm, Hill Farm), Dunnington (Monument)Barns now associated with Manor Farm. Previously shown on ordnance survey plans as Pigeon Cote Farm and Hill Farm. Recorded ahead of conversion in 2017.
Building: MYO4423 Manor Farm, Stockton on the Forest (Building)Farmhouse built in the 18th century.
Building: MYO572 MANOR FARMHOUSE (Building)No summary available
Building: MYO1901 MANOR FARMHOUSE (Building)No summary available